A few weeks ago I announced that KHS was challenging itself and all of its users to use #lessplastic. Each Wednesday through the end of the year we want to focus on information about how plastics are destroying our planet and how we can all start adjusting our daily routines to use less of it. It was bold (and possibly not thought out very well) to launch such an ambitious PSA campaign in the weeks leading up to the Dog Walk & K-9 Festival, and so we're going to officially start our #lessplastic Wednesday themes today!
Let's kick this thing off by talking about straws! Such a simple thing, really, but they're the source of a massive environmental problem that we should all be concerned about.
There is a significant international campaign going on right now to #DitchTheStraw. This movement is being spearheaded by The Last Plastic Straw, which is a project of the Plastic Pollution Coalition. From the Plastic Pollution Coalition website:
Over 500,000,000 plastic straws are used each day in the United States. In only the past twenty years, people have come to expect plastic straws in every drink, in an example of extreme waste being generated for minimal convenience. These short-lived tools are usually dropped into a garbage can with no further thought, instantly becoming a source of plastic pollution.
You can make a considerable impact by refusing the straw! It's easy, and once it becomes a habit, you'll never give it a second thought. Step 1, order your drinks #strawfree. Step 2, drink from the cup. Little changes like this can make an enormous difference, and encouraging others to follow your example will lead to more and more people who are happy to #refusethestraw.

Last week Sarah, our Volunteer Coordinator, and I went to Noodles & Co, and we both successfully drank beverages without a straw. It took 0% extra effort, and we got all the feel-goods for sticking to our #lessplatic resolution!
You can take a pledge to commit yourself to making the lifestyle change that will help stop plastic waste at the Plastic Pollution Coalition website here --> http://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/no-straw-please/
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